《复仇》 第214期:一切都是为了自己(在线收听

 You need to go after him. No! 你得去追他  不

I don't care what's on that tape, 我才不关心那带子上是什么
I'm not doing that to him again. 我不会再骗他了
We're doing it for him-- 我们这样做是为他好
So you keep saying. 你就继续自欺欺人吧
Amanda---  -Stop calling me that. 阿曼达  别再这样叫我
You want that tape so bad, you get it from him. 你那么想拿回那带子  自己去啊
I need you to call Jack and tell him 我要你打电话给杰克  告诉他
you found the equipment to view that video. 你找到了可以看带子的机子
He wouldn't give it back to Amanda. 他不会还给阿曼达了
Poor Jack must really want answers 可怜的杰克肯定很想知道答案
if not even the Long Island 连"洛丽塔" 都没能
Lolita could pry that tape from his death grip. 把录像带从他手里弄来
You never told me exactly what's on it. 你从来没告诉过我带子上的内容
What's the difference? 有区别吗
All Jack's gonna see is snow, right? 反正杰克什么也看不到  不是吗
Is this the degausser? 这就是消磁器吗
Locked and ready to be loaded. 现在锁着  就等装上了
It'll erase any magnetic recording. 它会洗掉所有的磁性记录
Though, why not just let him see the tape? 可干嘛不让他看看带子呢
Seriously, Ems. 我说真的  艾米
I mean, give the poor guy some closure 让可怜的杰克明白
as to why Amanda Clarke 为什么阿曼达·克拉克要往自己 
added criminal pyromania to her 已让人瞠目结舌的重罪记录上
already impressive list of felonies. 再加上蓄意纵火
Because the only memory Jack should have 因为杰克只需记得
of Amanda Clarke 当年阿曼达·克拉克离开时
is the girl that I left behind. 留给他的美好回忆
Is that so he can move on... 是为了他忘掉过去  继续前进
Or so you can? 还是为了你自己
Never mind. 别担心