《复仇》 第226期:说谎的承诺(在线收听

 There you are. 你回来了

Daniel.What are you doing? 丹尼尔 你在做什么
Waiting for you. 等你
Were you able to get ahold of Charlotte? 你找到夏洛特了吗
She's with Declan. 她和德克兰在一起
She didn't want to talk. She sounded drunk. 她不想多说  听起来像喝醉了
Oh, I'm so sorry. 我很遗憾
Your grandfather. 你的祖父
Third one tonight. 今晚第三个了
Daniel, he's grooming you 丹尼尔  他要培养你
to become the next C.E.O. of Grayson Global. 成为格雷森国际下一任执行总裁
That is huge. 这可是件大事
I don't even want to go to the engagement party tomorrow night 我甚至都不想去明晚的订婚派对
let alone take over the family business. 更别提接手家族生意了
It's a really big deal. You should at least just sit down 可这的确是大事  你至少应该坐下来
and hear what he has to say. 听听他想说什么
But can't we just cancel the damn party? 但我们就不能取消这该死的派对吗
Trust me, nothing would make me happier. 相信我  取消派对我反倒更开心
But hundreds of people are traveling 但是上百号人千里迢迢赶来
hundreds of miles to be here. 参加这个派对
You're right. 你说得对
Just promise me one more time... 再向我承诺一次
No secrets of any kind, ever. 永远不要对我撒谎
You've seen what they've done to my family. 你也知道谎言给我家造成了怎样的后果
Let's go to bed. It's late. 睡觉吧  很晚了
I'm right behind you. 马上来
All right. 好的