《复仇》 第228期:维多利亚的举步维艰(在线收听

 Charlotte, it's me. 夏洛特  是我

Your family has been calling nonstop. 你家人一直不停地打电话来
You gotta face 'em eventually. 你最终还是得面对他们的
Where's your mouthwash? 你的漱口剂在哪里
Uh, it's in the medicine cabinet. 放在药橱里
Listen, I-I got the number here 我这里有一位心理医师的号码
of a therapist that my buddy went to 我哥们的母亲去世后
after his mom died. 他曾去那里治疗过
Well, unfortunately, mine's alive and well. 不幸的是  我妈妈还健在
Obviously, losing your mother and finding out 当然  痛失母亲与发现
that your read dad is not really your dad 你博学的父亲不是你生父
are two different things, but... I don't know. 并非一码事  但是  我也不知道
He said this lady was really helpful, so... 他说那位医师对他很有帮助  所以
I called the office, and they said 我给她办公室打了电话  他们说
she had a slot for you this afternoon. 今天下午她可以和你谈一谈
Charlotte, 夏洛特
are you listening to me? 你在听我说话吗
Give me the number. 把号码给我
Southampton Surveillance? 南汉普顿监控安保
It's Nolan's security detail. 这是诺兰提出的安保细节
I figure, after everything that's happened this summer, 我想  在今夏发生了这么多事之后
it's better safe than sorry. 凡事尽量谨慎  不出大错
And you owe me a favor. 你欠我个人情
Why? 为何
Daniel wanted to cancel the party. 丹尼尔想取消派对
No, I'd be ruined. 不  我会完蛋的
Well, that's what I told him. 我跟他也是这么说的
Did he also tell you 他有没有跟你说
how much it would break his mother's heart 这样做也会伤他母亲的心
or does it not matter to him anymore? 还是说我对他已经无关紧要了
Why don't I let you two chat, 你俩慢慢聊
and I can talk about this with you later? 我之后再跟你说