《复仇》 第231期:老奸巨猾的爷爷(在线收听

 Charlotte. 夏洛特

So where are you off to in such a hurry, young lady? 你这么急匆匆的是要去哪  小姑娘
It wouldn't be to a therapist's office 不会是去看汉普顿的
in Bridgehampton, now would it? 心理医生吧
Who told you that? 这是谁告诉你的
Well, word gets around. 消息总是不胫而走
But look, 但听着
I understand how popular it is these days 尽管我知道现下很流行
to kick back on a doctor's couch and purge your problems, 坐在心理医生的沙发上大倒苦水
but truth be known, more often than not, 可事实上  大多数情况下
they cause more harm than good. 这种方式弊大于利
How? 这怎么讲
If you were tell a stranger 要是你去跟一个陌生人说
that your mother slept with a terrorist, 你妈妈曾跟一个恐怖分子偷情
and then that stranger decided to share that information, 而那个陌生人又把此事公诸于众
what do you think would happen to the family's reputation? 你觉得这会对家族名誉造成什么影响呢
When the Grayson name loses value, 若是格雷森家的名誉一落千丈
so does the company. 公司也将一文不名
Are you willing to gamble away your future 你愿意为了这样的事情
for something like that? 赌上自己的前程吗
If it means not losing my mind, yeah. 如果这能避免我失去理智  我倒愿意
Well, what about Declan's future? 那么  德克兰的前程呢
What about Declan's future? 德克兰的前程怎么了
I understand the kid flunked his entrance exam to Collins Prep. 我了解到他没通过柯林斯预科的入学考试
No surprise, I guess, but... 我想那也不奇怪  但是
From the dean. 从教务长那拿来的
Now I'm willing to make a call on the young man's behalf, 我很乐意打电话为这小伙子说情
but, every quid deserves a quo. 但是  天下没有免费的午餐
You wouldn't happen to have that, uh, 你手上不会正巧有
therapist's number on you, would you? 那位心理医生的号码吧