《复仇》 第236期:毁掉艾米莉(在线收听

 How do I look? 我看起来不错吧

Under medicated. 吃过药的样子
I can assure you, I'm thinking quite clearly. 我向你保证   我计划周全
Not as clearly as Emily. 绝没艾米莉周全
She's probably five steps ahead of you. 她早已算好你后面几步了
Not this time. 这次可不会
I know why I want payback. 我能理解我要报复的原因
But why are you going through all this trouble to destroy her? 但你为何宁愿惹上那么多麻烦也要毁了她
Why not go be a millionaire in Canada? 为何不在加拿大安心做个百万富翁呢
This was never about the money, Mandy. 曼达  这由始至终都与金钱无关
Then what? 那是为了什么
Does the name Frank Stevens mean anything to you? 弗兰克·史蒂芬这名字有让你想到什么吗
Should it? 我应该想到什么吗
He worked for the Graysons. 他为格雷森家族工作
Emily bashed his skull in 艾米莉重击他头部
and then planted his wallet in my pocket 再把他的钱包塞在我口袋里
for the cops to find. 好让警察在我身上搜到
You think Emily killed that guy? 你觉得人是艾米莉杀的
Isn't it obvious? 这不是显而易见的
Why else would Emily frame me for it 如果不是为了自个脱身
if not to distract attention from herself? 艾米莉为何要栽赃嫁祸给我呢
So what, you're just gonna... 所以  你是打算
Kill emily? 杀了艾米莉吗
No. 不
Emily's gonna kill Daniel. 艾米莉会杀了丹尼尔
Or at least that's how it will appear to the cops. 至少警察看起来是这样
An eye for an eye. 以眼还眼