《复仇》 第237期:丹尼尔的一厢情愿(在线收听

 Sweetheart, I know how upset you are 亲爱的   我明白在夏洛特的事上

about the misunderstanding we had regarding Charlotte. 你我间的误解让你有多气愤
You mean how you led me to believe 你是指你如何让我深信
her real father raped you? 她的亲生父亲强奸了你吗
I never said that. 我从没这样说
And if I had any idea that you would... 如果我知道你会这样觉得
The truth is that I loved David Clarke very much. 事实是我深爱大卫·克拉克
God, mom. Just stop. 行了  妈妈  别再说了
No, please. I need you to understand 不  让我说完  我想让你明白
how much he meant to me. 他对我有多重要  
Save your breath. 省省吧
I'm not interested in anything else you have to say to me. 我完全没兴趣知道你想说的
After tonight, I'm done with you. 今晚过后  我们就一刀两断
I'm taking Emily to Paris. We'll get married 我会带艾米莉去巴黎  我们会结婚
and stay there until we choose the life we want to lead, 住在那  直到我们确定自己想要的生活
one that doesn't involve Grayson Manor, Grayson Global, 一个没有格雷森庄园  格雷森环球
or anything Grayson. 没有任何格雷森的生活
What does Emily have to say about this? 艾米莉对此有何看法
You haven't told her, have you? 你还没对她说  是吗
What makes you think that 是什么让你觉得
she'll give up the Grayson name 她会轻易放弃格雷森的姓氏
and everything that comes with it so easily? 以及唾手可得的一切
She's worked so hard for 她如此费尽心机   
the privilege in just three months. 在短短三个月就得到这些特权
What are you saying? 你想说什么
I'm saying that I know the type. 我是说我知道她是哪种人
I was once just like her, 我曾经就像她一样
ambitious, driven. 雄心勃勃
Yes, by greed and insecurity. 对  受利益与不安驱使
Emily is generous and decent. She's nothing like you. 艾米莉大方得体  她跟你截然不同