《复仇》 第251期:开枪之后晕了(在线收听

 Daniel's fingerprints were found on Emily's gun. 艾米莉的枪上有丹尼尔的指纹

He handled that gun a dozen times. 他以前拿过那把枪很多次
His hands were tested positive for gunshot residue. 他的手上也检测出了开枪火药残留
The blood splatter on his tuxedo 他燕尾服上溅到的血
was the same type as Tyler's. 和泰勒的血型一致
In a political climate like this, 鉴于现在的政治局势
the D.A. goes first-degree murder. 检察官认定这是一级谋杀案
All right, it's time you told us 好吧  现在你该告诉我们
everything that happened on that beach, son. 那天海滩上发生的一切了  孩子
It's okay. 没关系
Do it. 说吧
Tyler was talking crazy, waving the gun around. 泰勒当时满口胡言  挥舞着那把枪
We had a struggle, and I managed to get ahold of it. 我们扭打起来  我设法抢到了枪
And then he charged at me. 然后他就冲我扑了过来
Keep going. 接着说
So I fired. 于是我就开枪了
Three times? 连发三枪吗
Once, then I blacked out. 就一枪  然后我昏过去了
Next thing I remember was my mother calling my name. 再然后  我就只记得妈妈在叫我