《复仇》 第254期:仗义的诺兰(在线收听

 I got a problem and I don't know where else to go. 我有一个疑问  不知道还能去问谁

Uh, oh, welcome to the Cone of Silence. 你怎么找到这儿的
You know what this is? 你知道这是什么吗
A... wire receipt for $5 million. 一张五百万美金的电汇凭证
Someone sent it from the Southampton Trust 有人从南安普顿信托公司
to a small bank outside of Montreal. 汇款到蒙特利尔外的一个小银行
I called the bank, but I couldn't get 'em 我给银行打过电话
to give me any information on who it came from. 但他们没向我透露汇款人的任何信息
Was it you? 是你汇的吗
No. 不是
Then it must have been the Graysons. 那一定是格雷森家的人干的
I think this had something to do with what happened on the beach. 我觉得这一定和海滩上发生的事有关
Oh, really, 'cause you want to get wrapped up in a murder investigation? 是吗  你真想要卷入谋杀案的调查中吗
I already am. 我已经深陷其中了
The receipt was in Amanda's jacket. 这凭证是在阿曼达的外套里发现的
I thought you said she left. 我记得你说过她已经离开了
She showed up the other night as I was heading out. 我准备出发的那天晚上  她突然出现了
We were all set to go to Haiti, and she took off. 我们都准备好去海地了  她却忽然走了
Nolan... 诺兰
Nolan, I followed her to the beach. 诺兰  我跟踪她到了海滩
I spent hours looking for her. 我找了她好几个小时
I-I--driving around. 把周围都找遍了
She was gone. 她就那样不见了
Probably straight to Canada 她可能直接去了加拿大
to collect the $5 million. 去取这五百万了吧