《复仇》 第267期:助理的野心(在线收听

 Well, here she is-- 这位不是

The media's new it girl. 媒体的新宠儿吗
Mm. It's quite an upgrade 对女王最爱的劳工来说
from the queen's favorite worker bee. 实在是一大飞跃啊
I take it you didn't summon me here for an autograph. 我想你叫我来不是要签名的吧
I'm all for a meteoric rise, Ash, 我很支持一举成名  阿什
But, uh, I followed a hunch, 不过  我跟着直觉
and sourced the scandal pics 找到了轰动网络的
that are blowing up the internet. 丑闻照片的来源
And guess where the trail ends. 猜猜最后源头是在哪儿
Who else knows? 还有谁知道这事
Just us... 就我们俩
For now. 暂时如此
Loyalties forged in apprehension and mistrust... 从恐惧与不信任中建立起的忠诚
are tenuous at best... 薄如蝉翼
Easily broken when held up 在对抗无情的真相之光时
to the unforgiving light of the truth. 就会轻易崩溃
But in the darkness of our most desperate hours... 但在最为绝望的黑暗之中
It's often these loyalties that lend us the strength 常常是这样的忠诚给予我们力量
to do what we know must be done. 完成必须要做的事