《复仇》 第3期:虐待自己(在线收听

 Get off me. What the hell are you doing? 放开我  你在干什么

I was saving your life. 我是在救你的命
Nobody asked you to do that. 没人让你这么做
I was this close 就差那么一点点
to unlocking a memory about my mother. 我就要回想起关于我母亲的事了
Had I known that was your intention, 如果我早知道你是这个目的
I wouldn't have welcomed your return to training. 就不会欢迎你回来接受训练了
Amanda... 阿曼达
Don't call me that. 别叫我那个名字
Look, I am not the enemy. Please. 听着  我不是你的敌人
Trust me. 相信我
I already made that mistake once. 我已经犯过一次那样的错了
You've already failed to kill the murderer of your father. 你没能干掉谋害你父亲的凶手
Who's to say he won't come for you again? 谁敢保证他不会再次冲着你来呢
I'm counting on it, Takeda. 我正等着他呢  武田
He might be the only person left 世上或许只有他知道  
who knows what happened to her. 我母亲究竟发生了什么事
You would throw away your training 你居然要把多年的训练浪费在
on the unsupported assumption 你母亲可能还活着
that your mother remains alive. 这么一个毫无根据的假设上 
Dead or alive, I'm gonna find out what happened to her, 不管是死是活  我都要查清关于她的事
And when I do... 等我知道以后
God help the people who kept me from her, 那些让我们母女分离的人就自求多福吧
and that includes you. 那当中也包括你