《复仇》 第5期:不相信任何人(在线收听

 So Takeda was behind Amanda's return, 所以阿曼达回来是武田搞的鬼

baby bump included? Kidding. 肚子里的孩子也是他搞出来的  开个玩笑
He claims he was training her to be my ally. 他自称训练她是为了做我的同盟
What do you mean, "caims"? 你说"自称"是什么意思
You still trust him, don't you? 你还信任他  是吧
Until I find out what happened to my mother, 在我查清关于我母亲的事之前
I don't trust anybody. 我不会信任任何人
Well, at least you can cross the Graysons 至少你可以把格雷森一家
off your to-screw list. 排除在你的复仇名单之外了
Conrad's been buried under a cloud of suspicion 康拉德现在成了众人怀疑的对象
ever since Victoria's plane crash 因为维多利亚的坠机事故
destroyed all the S.E.C. evidence against him. 毁掉了证交会针对他的全部调查证据
Not quite. 那可不一定
How many guest rooms do you have? 你有多少间客房
Why? 问这干吗
Well, Casa Nolan's in escrow. 房子给中介管着呢
Wait. You sold your house? 等等  你把房子给卖了
Bad mojo. 那风水不好
If... 如果
If I'm gonna be your wingman this summer-- 这个夏天我继续给你帮忙
Thanks for mulling that over. 劳您费神考虑了