《复仇》 第12期:相处太尴尬(在线收听

 You look... great. 你看起来  真棒

Dr. Thomas, this is Emily Thorne. 托马斯医生  这是艾米莉·索恩
She's the one who's been sending me those postcards 就是她给我寄那些
from all around the world. 来自世界各地的明信片
Oh, they meant a lot to Charlotte, as you can tell. 看得出来  那些对夏洛特很重要
I'm--I'm so sorry... 非常遗憾
about your mother. 你母亲的事故
I know. 我懂
It's still unreal. 感觉还是很不真实
You're coming to the memorial, I hope. 希望你能来纪念仪式
Unless it's too awkward with Daniel and Ashley. 只要你不觉得和丹尼尔阿什莉相处太过尴尬
Listen, I hate to interrupt, 我不想打断你们叙旧
but if we're gonna keep to your release schedule, 但日程安排可不等人
we need to get moving on the exit process, 我们得进行最后一步了
which unfortunately means one last blood draw. 也就是最后一次痛苦地抽血了
Great. 好吧
Well, here. 给你的
Will I be seeing you? Please say yes. 你会来追悼会吧  一定要来
You bet. 当然
Come in. 进来
...during the discomfort of childbirth. 在分娩时感到不适
Emily. Amanda. 艾米莉  阿曼达
I knew you wouldn't stay away. 我就知道你会回来的
Well, how could I 我怎么会丢下你呢
when we have so much to talk about? 还有那么多问题要解决
I know. Takeda debriefed me. 我知道  武田盘问过我