《复仇》 第25期:做亲子鉴定(在线收听

 There's something nagging me, 有件事一直困扰着我

And I don't think I'll ever feel quite right about us 我觉得要是不弄清楚
until I know 我心里就不会好受
when you left... 去年夏天
the first time, last summer, where'd you go? 你第一次不告而别  你究竟去了哪
When you got beat up? 就是你被打那次吗
Just away. 我就是离开了
Who'd you stay with? 你和谁在一起的
Oh, my god. 天啊
You don't think this baby is yours. 你觉得这个孩子不是你的
I need to know for sure. 我只是想确认一下
Then I'll make an appointment. 我会去申请做亲子鉴定
Dr. Thomas called. 托马斯医生打来电话
Charlotte's settling back in to Cliffside. 夏洛特被送回康复中心了
At least someone's taking care of her. 至少有人能照顾她
I've been a terrible brother. 我是个不称职的哥哥
I can't blame her for not trusting me. 她不信任我也是应该
Charlotte's sick, Daniel. 夏洛特病了  丹尼尔
She doesn't know what she's saying. 她不清楚自己的所言所语
The things she accused your father of 她对你父亲的指责
are preposterous. 都是空穴来风