《复仇》第2集 第1期:精明的父亲(在线收听

 Morning, love. 早安  亲爱的

Care to join me for a quick match before work? 愿意在工作前跟我来场快速比赛吗
Sorry. Quarterly report's due out this afternoon. 抱歉  季度报表要在下午之前搞定
Something wrong? 有什么问题吗
The company's R.O.I. is up 10%. 公司的投资利率上升了10%
That's 4% higher than any of our competitors. 比我们所有竞争对手高出4%
Isn't that a good thing? 这不是件好事吗
It would be if the numbers actually matched 要是银行里的资产数跟这些数字
the assets in the bank. 能对上号  那才真是好事呢
I'm worried someone's been 我担心有人
artificially inflating the returns. 人为地抬高了利率
Namely, my father. 也就是  我父亲
He's smarter than that. 他可精明着呢
Wouldn't the board know 董事会今天一看到
as soon as they saw the balance sheets today? 资产账目不就都知道了吗
Well, not if he's able to refill the coffers before then. 是啊  如果他不赶紧在会前把资产归位的话
The question is, with what money? 问题是  哪儿来的钱呢
Well, maybe playing a game will help you figure it out. 或许打场球会让你想明白这事
Hit a few balls, get your blood going. 打几个球  促进血液循环
I've gotta take this. 我得先接这个电话
Will you shut the doors, please? 把门带上  好吗
Hi. 喂
I hope you don't mind me calling. It's just... 希望没打扰到你  只是...
something's been eating away at me 纪念日之后
ever since Memorial Day. 有些事就一直困扰着我