《复仇》第3集 第22期:自己伪造绑架案(在线收听

 You look gorgeous. 你看起来美极了

Amanda. 阿曼达
How did you get up here? 你怎么进来的
A sister has her ways. 姐总有姐的办法
My mother will freak if she knows you're up here. 我母亲要是知道你在这  非发了疯不可
Not a big fan of surprises. 她不怎么喜欢惊喜
I'm not afraid of her. You shouldn't be either. 我可不怕她  你也不该怕她
I'm not. 我不怕
Good, 'cause if we're gonna get closer, 那就好  虽然咱俩走的挺近
I-I can't protect her anymore. 但你可别指望我  会为她说什么好话
What is this? 这是什么
A journal our father kept in prison. 父亲在监狱里写的日记
I marked the entries 我标记了
that I thought you should read first. 我认为你应该先读的地方
But I have to warn you, 但是丑话说前头
what it says about your mother isn't pretty. 你母亲在这里面  可不怎么美丽
I can't imagine the fear you must have felt-- 真是难以想像你所经受的恐惧
Eight weeks of torture? 长达八周的虐待
Tell me, did you ever have a moment 跟我说说  这期间
where you felt like giving up? 你有想过要放弃吗
No. 没有
The thought of never seeing my children again 比起永远都见不到我的孩子们
was far worse than anything my captor 绑匪对我所做的那些
could have ever done to me. 又算得了什么呢
You can call it a mother's will to survive. 这大概就是母亲与生俱来的求生本能吧
More like a monster's. 我觉得  更像是禽兽的本能
I just found out the real reason 我终于知道  你为什么不让我
you don't want me having a relationship with Amanda. 和阿曼达来往的真正原因了
Because she knows the truth about 因为她知道  
what you did to my father. 你对我父亲所做的一切罪孽