《复仇》第3集 第24期:打败母亲(在线收听

 I am so sorry for all the hell 我非常抱歉  我俩在一起时

my mother put you through while we were together. 我妈妈让你遭了那么多罪
No one in their right mind 只要是个正常人
would choose to live inside this family. 就不会想跟这样一家人一起生活
I despise her. 我看不起她
Word of advice. 给你个建议
Keep it to yourself. 掩饰这情绪
The only way to beat your mother 打倒你妈妈唯一的办法
is to play her game better than she does. 就是去玩她那一套  而且比她玩得好
Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. 女士们先生们  请就座
We're about to begin, and please... 我们就要开始了  请...
Amanda, wait. 阿曼达  等等
What are you doing here? 你来这里做什么
I thought you were banned from the premises. 我还以为你被禁止来这呢
I am. 现在也是
But I'm staying for this, and so are you. 但我要留下来  你也要留下
No. I already did what you asked. 不  我已经照你说的做了
And Jack would kill you if he knew 那杰克如果知道你肚里的孩子不是他的
that baby you're carrying isn't his. 他也会杀了你的
This is that important to me. 这对我来说同等重要
The choice is yours. 你自己来做选择
Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们
It's always been my motto 这一直是我的座右铭
that from bad comes good. 塞翁失马焉知非福
So tonight there will be no rehashing of the past-- 所以今晚  不赘述过去的种种
only my aspirations for the future. 只谈谈我对未来的渴望