《复仇》第5集 第6期:没钱上大学(在线收听

 I'm beginning to understand why you robbed me. 我开始理解你为什么打劫我了

Girl like that's not gonna go for a groupon. 像那样的女孩  没钱可钓不起
You got it all wrong, man. I barely even know her. 你弄错了  老兄  我和她一点不熟
Satisfy my curiosity. 那满足一下我的好奇心
Why'd you do it? 你为何干那种事
I don't have the money to go to college, okay? 我没钱上大学  行了吧
Right. 好吧
That'd make for one hell of an admissions essay-- 倒是可以借此写一篇出色的大学申请论文
"How I rolled houses for a brighter future." 题目叫《我为了光明前途打家劫舍》
You think I'm an idiot. I get it. 你觉得我是个白痴  我懂了
On the contrary. 完全相反
You remind me of myself at your age. 你让我想起了我在你这么大的时候
Call this guy. He's got a certified crew 打电话给这个人  他手下的员工
that'll do the work here for half the price twice as fast. 可以半价帮你完成  速度却是两倍
And why--why would you help me? 你为什么要帮我
'cause I want my money back sooner than later. 因为我想尽早拿回我的钱
And whatever you got in that little spray bottle 而且不管你那喷水器里装的是什么
is not getting the job done. 都是不可能完成的
Call or don't call. 随便你打不打
But if you want that pretty little rich girl to see you 但如果你希望那个富家小姐眼中的你
as more than a guy she rebelled with for one summer, 不仅是和她在某个夏天一起的玩伴
and I can tell you do, 那我建议你打
You'll need that degree. 你需要那个学位