《复仇》第6集 第8期:逃离格雷森一家(在线收听

 And as far as the Graysons go, 格雷森家族多行不义

they'll get what's coming to them. 终究会有报应的
People like that always do. 那种人向来没有好下场
This was rather an expensive procedure 这手术对一个刚出少管所的
for a girl only 18 months out of juvie. 18岁小姑娘来说  未免太昂贵了吧
What can I say? 我能说什么呢
I didn't like what that scar reminded me of. 我不喜欢那道伤疤带给我的痛苦记忆
It was worth it to make it go away. 花再多钱除掉都值得
Now will you? 您请便吧
Go away? 离我远点
Tell me something, Amanda. 跟我说说  阿曼达
Why live in the shadow of the people who ruined your life? 他们毁了你的人生  你为何还要生活在他们的阴影下
Why not put a million miles between yourself and the Graysons? 你为什么不远远地逃离格雷森一家
Is it ego, 是因为自尊心
a defiant show of strength? 想通过这样的反抗来显示你的坚强吗
I guess I wanted to face them. 我觉得我只想直面他们
But then Jack happened, 但后来我遇到了杰克
and now Carl. 现在又有了卡尔
So that's it then? 所以就这样了吗
The past is past for Amanda Clarke? 过去的阿曼达·克拉克已成为历史了吗
I'm not gonna jeopardize my family for simple payback. 我不会为了报复他们而毁了我自己的家庭
Others will eventually pick up the torch 总会有别人替我接过重任
to expose the Graysons for the frauds they are. 揭露格雷森一家的丑恶真面目