《复仇》第6集 第17期:最感激的人(在线收听

 Sorry! Sorry! 不好意思  不好意思

Short speech. 我说两句
Uh, I just want to say to all of our regulars-- 我想对所有的常客说
you know who you are... 哪几个是常客大家心里都知道
thank you very much for your patience. 我想说谢谢你们耐心的等待
And as for the new faces, 还有一些新面孔
it's really great to have you. 有你们在我真的很高兴
And last but not least, 最后
to the guy who helped dig us out of the hole 敬帮助我们走出困难
so we could open our doors for you today-- 让酒吧重新开业的人
here's to Mr. Kenny Ryan. 敬肯尼·瑞安先生
Now everybody drink up. Please. 各位  请干杯
I'm gonna go take a nap. 我要去睡个午觉
Thanks for that. 谢谢
I meant it. If it weren't for your help... 这是我的真心话  没有你的帮助...
My pleasure, partner. 举手之劳