
Dwarf Goats Are Stars of Party Life in Los Angeles

These mild dwarfs are ready to partying, true Los Angeles party animals, they’re set to entertain.Posing for selfies, offering free hugs and even back massages, these cute animals seem at home, mixing with people and relaxing in the California Sun.So cute and little! Oh my god! I love them!So they’re always fun, always entertaining.First I was like, what are you gonna do with goats for two hours but they are so entertaining.That’s like oh I wish we have them for longer.Scout Raskin started her goat business called Party Goats LA in 2017.For 99 dollars an hour, she brings him miniature pets to any party or event.

这些温和的小家伙们准备参加聚会去了,它们是真正的洛杉矶派对动物,它们要去娱乐他人。人们和它们自拍,给它们大大的拥抱,甚至还给它们做背部按摩,这些可爱的小动物们仿佛在家一样舒适,和人们一起享乐、沐浴在洛杉矶的阳光下。好小好可爱!我的天!真的爱死它们了!所以它们总是很好玩,很有趣。刚开始我想,和山羊在一起呆两个小时能做什么,但是它们太好玩了。我真希望可以和它们多待会儿。Scout Raskin于2017年创办了名为洛杉矶派对山羊的生意。收费每小时99美元,她把小型的宠物带到派对或者其他场合去。

The goats really exceeded my expectations.I thought they will be fun, but I didn’t realize how fun they would be.They brought me so much joy that I thought maybe other people in Los Angeles would want to hang out with baby goats, too.Raskin was right, and very soon what started as a hobby turned into a profitable business.Raskin left her job and dedicated herself to the bleating partygoers.They visit up to eight parties a day.These goats are really social animals. They love to be around people.They also can recognize human emotions, so they actually respond really positively to happy human emotions and positive human emotions.Raskin says the dwarf goats are not difficult to take care of.They’re easily tamed and are generally happy along with animals, and people love having kids not only at parties but also at yoga classes.


They’re trained to jump on your back for added core strength.They also will use their front hocks to test your balance if you’re doing like a standing post.Baby goats are fittingly gifts of the homes of people with cancer.Raskin explains, their positivity helps sick patients cheer up and for many it’s easy to see why.

