乔布斯传 第515期:白鲸的白(3)(在线收听

 He suggested to Duncan Milner, the creative director, 他建议创意总监邓肯·米尔纳说,

that they all stand firmly at the far left end, to see if they could get Jobs to gravitate there. 大家都要坚定地站在最左边,看能否把乔布斯引到这款设计上来。
When he walked in, he went immediately to the right, looking at the stark product pictures. 乔布斯一走进来,就马上走到了最右边,看了着干巴巴的产品图片。
"This looks great," he said. "Let's talk about these." 他说道:"这个看起来不错,我们来讨论一下。"
Vincent, Milner, and Clow did not budge from the other end. 文森特、米尔纳和克劳都没有挪动脚步。
Finally, Jobs looked up, glanced at the iconic treatments, and said, "Oh, I guess you like this stuff." 最后,乔布斯抬起头来,看了看那张符号化的图片,说:"哦,我猜你们喜欢这一张。"
He shook his head. "It doesn't show the product. It doesn't say what it is." 他摇了摇头:"但它没有展示出产品,人们都不知道这是什么东西。"
Vincent proposed that they use the iconic images but add the tagline, "1,000 songs in your pocket." 文森特提出他们想使用这张图片,但是会再加上一句广告词:"把1000首歌装进口袋。"
That would say it all. Jobs glanced back toward the right end of the table, then finally agreed. 这样就不言自明了。乔布斯又往桌子的最右边看了一眼,最终同意了他们的想法。
Not surprisingly he was soon claiming that it was his idea to push for the more iconic ads. 不出所料,他很快就声称这是他的创意--要推出更多符号化的广告。
"There were some skeptics around who asked, 'How's this going to actually sell an iPod?'" Jobs recalled. 乔布斯回忆道:"我听到一些怀疑的声音:‘这样的广告怎么能真正卖出一台iPod呢?’
"That's when it came in handy to be the CEO, so I could push the idea through." 这就到了CEO要发挥作用的时候了,我要促成这个创意。"