向前一步:第225期 为平等而不懈努力(4)(在线收听

 Women who want to take two weeks off ...or two days ...or two years ...or twenty years deserve everyone's full support. 不管产假要休两周、两天还是两年,女性都应得到所有人的支持。

As Marissa's experience demonstrates, women in powerful positions often receive greater scrutiny. 玛丽萨·迈耶的经历证明,女性高管常常会引来更多的审视。
Because the vast majority of leaders are men, it is not possible to generalize from any one example. 因为领导层中大多数都是男性,单个女性高管的例子并不具有普遍性,
But the dearth of female leaders causes one woman to be viewed as representative of her entire gender. 但女性领导者的稀缺则会导致一位女性被看作是整个性别人群的代表。
And because people often discount and dislike female leaders, these generalizations are often critical. 由于人们会轻视、排斥女性领导者,所以这种个例普遍化的做法常常是带有批判性的,
This is not just unfair to the individuals but reinforces the stigma that successful women are unlikeable. 这不仅对个体不公平,而且也会强化人们认为“成功女性不可爱”的偏见。
A perfect and personal example occurred in May 2012, when a Forbes blogger posted an article entitled 有一个案例很能说明问题:2012年5月福布斯博客上有人发表了一篇文章,题为
"Sheryl Sandberg Is the Valley's 'It' Girl—Just Like Kim Polese Once Was." “谢丽尔·桑德伯格——硅谷继金·波莱塞之后的又一位‘科技妙龄女’”。
He began his comparison by describing Kim, an early tech entrepreneur, as a "luminary" in the mid-1990s who never really earned her success, 作者写道,早期的科技企业家金·波莱塞虽被看作是20世纪90年代中期的“杰出人物”,但她从没获得真正的成功,
but was "in the right place at the right time (and was) young, pretty and a good speaker." 只是“作为一个年轻漂亮的演说家出现在对的时间、对的地点”。
The blogger then argued, "I think Polese is a good cautionary tale for ...Sheryl Sandberg." Ouch. 然后作者又说,“我认为波莱塞对桑德伯格来说是个很好的警示”。哇哦!
Kim and I had never met or spoken before this incident, but she defended both of us. 在这之前,我从没见过波莱塞,也没和她说过话,但她的回应则是在为我们两人辩护。