
 Okay, but at least wait 好吧  至少等到你

to announce your departure from the company... 正式宣布离开公司
until after-- 等到
After the election, I get it. 等到州长选举以后  我明白
Grace, you read my mind. 格蕾丝  来的正是时候
Hey, contact "Huffpo", will you? 帮我联系一下《赫芬顿邮报》行吗
Get an engagement announcement on the home page. 我要在首页上刊登订婚的消息
Already on it. 已经办妥了
And I have a delivery from Takeda Industries. 我收到一份来自武田工业的快递
It's Aiden Mathis' employee records. 里面是艾登·马西斯的雇员档案
Should I messenger it to the house? 需要我寄到您家里吗
No. I'm on my way in. 不用了  我这就回公司
Word is buzzing around the office. 办公室里消息满天飞啊
I believe congratulations are in order. 不过我想应该要恭喜一下
You think I called you here 你以为我叫你来
to break the news that I'm marrying Emily, 是要告诉你我要和艾米莉结婚了
make sure there's no hard feelings? 希望你不要对我有什么怨恨吗
You know, when I hired you, 我雇用你的时候
I had H.R. do an extensive background check. 让人力资源部对你做了广泛的背景调查
Came back squeaky clean. 结果完美无瑕
So what did you do, 你是怎么做到的
pay them off, hack the system to erase your file? 行贿  还是黑进系统清除了原来的资料
No, of course I didn't. Why? 我当然没有  怎么了
All right, so why am I only now learning 好吧  那为什么我现在才知道
that your father was Trevor Mathis, 你父亲是特雷夫·马西斯
the baggage handler 那个被怀疑给197航班
suspected of putting a bomb on flight 197? 装上炸弹的行李员