
 You may not have driven the final nail in my opponent's coffin, 虽然你算不上压死竞争对手的最后一根稻草

but by recording your conversation 但凭借你和州长夫人
with the governor's wife about his tragic heart condition, 关于他病入膏肓的心脏的谈话录音
you deftly made the public aware of his imminent need of one. 你巧妙地让公众认识到了他岌岌可危的现状
I wouldn't expect any concession calls just yet. 至少现在我还不指望接到承认竞选失利的电话
Jack Porter knows what happened on the "Amanda". 杰克·波特知道了阿曼达号上发生的
And he's determined to find the computer that led to Amanda's death. 他决意找出害死阿曼达的那台电脑
That's why he joined your campaign. 所以他才会加入你的竞选团队
Well, luckily for all of us, the computer he seeks 万幸的是  他找的那台电脑
is currently deteriorating somewhere on the ocean floor. 正躺在海底某处呢
Jack said he was in possession of it up until the funeral. 杰克说直到葬礼前  电脑都在他手里
He's convinced that you stole it back. 他肯定是你又把它偷回去了
No, it wasn't me. Trask, perhaps? 那不是我  也许是查斯克吧
Well, whatever the answer, 无论怎样  他一定会去
he's going to sabotage your 4:00 press conference this afternoon 你今天下午四点的新闻发布会上捣乱
with a recording of you and Nate Ryan. 带着那段你和奈特·瑞安的录像
Well, apparently, you are very eager to preserve 显而易见  你对确保我竞选胜利
my chances of victory, my dear. 很上心啊  亲爱的
I think you'll make a fine governor. 我觉得你会成为一个好州长
You think I'll make a fine resident of Albany. 你是觉得我会成为奥尔巴尼的好居民吧
Well, for starters, I'll simply instruct Ashley 首先  我会让阿什莉
to make sure that he's barred from the gates this afternoon. 确保他今天下午连记者会的大门都进不了
She's in it with him, you fool. 她和他是一伙的  你个白痴