
 Whatever comes out of your mouth next 你说的下一句话

better be the truth, Nolan. 最好是实话  诺兰
Look, it started when victoria asked me 好吧  事情是从维多利亚让我
to help her track down her firstborn son. 帮她寻找她第一个儿子开始的
Oh, come on. 哦  拜托
Jack, bear with me. 杰克  听我说完
Years ago, she hired a hacker named the Falcon 几年前  她雇了一个叫"猎鹰"的黑客
to digitally obliterate all traces of her son. 抹去她儿子所有的可查信息
Once I got onto the Falcon's trail, 我追踪到猎鹰之后
I stumbled on to the angry bird's latest gig 无意中发现那家伙最近的工作
working for a bunch of terrorists. 是协助一群恐怖分子
The ones responsible for the blackout? 那些引发大停电的人吗
And the downing of flight 197 还有197航班失事
That got blamed on David Clarke. 他们害死了大卫·克拉克
Now my guess is there was evidence on Amanda's computer 我现在猜测阿曼达的电脑里
that related to that. 有相关的信息
Who were you supposed to go meet? 你当时是要去见谁
Ashley. 阿什莉  
She texted me. 她发短信让我去
Where are you going? 你要干什么去
To get the truth. 去查出真相
Jack... 杰克
Conrad just tried to murder you. 康拉德是想杀了你
If you go anywhere near him, he will finish the job! 如果你靠近他  他就会得逞
Not if he thinks he already did. 除非他以为他已经得逞了