
 The humidity here is awful. 这里真是干燥呀

You must be from L.A. 你一定是从洛杉矶来的
New York. 纽约
Damn it. I'm usually right. 该死  我一般都能猜对的
You know what I love about the south? 你知道我最爱南方的什么吗
People are so friendly. 南方人都真友好
It's a product of bible belt fear. 是因为宗教的影响
But trust me, there are some... 但是相信我  这里还是有一些
less than desirable folks around here. 不那么招人喜欢的人
Like your, uh... ex-husband? 比如说你的  前夫
Patrick Osbourne, right? 帕特里克·奥斯本  对吧
Who the hell are you? 你究竟是谁
I-I-if he sent you here-- 如果是他让你来的
No, he... he didn't. 不  不是
I'm just... looking into him for a friend. 我只是在帮一个朋友调查他
Patrick is a user and a liar. 帕特里克就是个瘾君子和骗子
And that's all I have to say. 这就是我要说的
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait. 等等  等等
I need details. 能详细点吗
Would, uh... 你觉得