
To address what it calls the humanitarian migrant crisis at the border, Trump administration is asking Congress for an additional 4.5 billion dollars for emergency funding. Given the scale of what we’re facing, we’ll exhaust our resources before this fiscal year. Earlier this week, the Trump administration again raised questions about the motives of many asylum seekers, individuals who claim they’re fleeing war violence or political prosecution. Not every claim is credible. Some claims are credible, and we don’t want those who have a credible claim of a fear and asylum to be hamstrung in the process by those who don’t because they’re lying about it.


In 2018, 65,000 people applied for asylum, many at the US-Mexico border. To stem the rising numbers of asylum seekers, Trump has given officials 90 days to come up with new regulations to tighten existing requirements. Proposals include making it harder for those who enter the country illegally to obtain work permits and to charge asylum seekers a fee, a move that is legal but has never been done before.


Most people understand that refugees and asylum seekers are very vulnerable populations, and they usually flee their countries without any money. The administration cites humanitarian concerns for its policies, but scholars say since Trump took office, they’ve seen a deeper divide on the issue. There’s one side that believes that there is in fact a lot of persecution out there, and the United States have an obligation to sort of protect people which we did do during World War II where there’s other people who feel like this is a system that’s been taken advantage of, and in some ways that particular loophole, if you will, at least the claim goes, should be cut off.


Trump who ran and won in 2016 on a platform of being tough on immigration is gearing up for a reelection in 2020. He is trying to follow through at any cost on some of the campaign promises that he made for the base that he’s appealing to. Although Trump’s additional emergency request will not include money to build the border wall, his signature campaign promise, it’s still unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled House without changes. Meanwhile, his asylum proposals are expected to be challenged in court. Patsy Widakuswara, VOA News, at the White House.

2016年,特朗普曾凭借强硬的移民立场而参选并获得大选胜利,而现在,他正准备2020年的连任。他正在竭力兑现自己的竞选承诺。虽然特朗普的额外应急资金请求不包括建造美墨边境墙的资金,虽然建造美墨边境强是特朗普标志性的竞选承诺,但这一提案不太可能在由民主党掌控的众议院不经修改就获得通过。与此同时,他的庇护提案预计会受到法庭的驳回。感谢收听Patsy Widakuswara从白宫发回的报道。
