
 That won't help if those rags think 如果那些蠢货们觉得你俩仍然不和

that you two are still at odds. 那这样也于事无补
The last event you attended led to a fight 你们上次参加的活动导致了一场争执
worthy of pay-per-view. 简直该上付费节目
And since there is little benefit in positioning Conrad 既然把康拉德定位成一个四分五裂之家的主人
as master of a house divided, 没什么好处
I need to rewrite your story... pronto. 我得重新撰写你们的故事  很快
And how do you propose to do that? 你打算怎么做
First off, I am plugging your 4th of July party 首先  我要把你的独立日派对
as the reintroduction of the happy Grayson Clan, 当成重新介绍快乐的格雷森一家的契机
followed by a mother/daughter-in-law 接下来是婆婆和儿媳的亲善之旅
goodwill tour that I will lay out for you 明天中午我们三人一起吃午饭时
when the three of us have lunch tomorrow. 我将向你们详细说明
Right there... 就这样
That's all I need-- you two. 我就需要你俩这样
And that's what I'm gonna get. 这就是我要的效果