
 I've lost my touch. 我和他失去联系了

A week later, and all I've dug up 我拼命找了一个星期
is a one-way flight from Philly to Richmond? 却只发现他搭乘了从费城去里士满的单程航班
I just want to know that Patrick's all right. 我只想确认帕特里克没事而已
Well, you should be happy that he's not here. 其实你该庆幸他已经离开了
He would also be scrutinized by the publicist Conrad hired. 否则他也会被康拉德请的公关专家查个底朝天
She wants me and Victoria to play nice for the press. 她想要我和维多利亚在媒体面前假扮亲密
Oh, you and Vicky, besties-- 老天  你和维姬扮闺蜜
That kind of runs counter to your master plan 这和你预谋诬陷她谋杀你的大计
of framing her for your murder, no? 有些背道而驰啊  不是吗
Exactly. 就是这样
Which is why P.R. maven Bizzy Preston 所以那个叫比兹·普雷斯通的公关专家
is becoming a problem that I don't have time for. 成了我根本没时间解决的大麻烦
What, you know her? 怎么了  你认识他
And loat her. 不仅认识  还很讨厌她
Back in the day, I was, uh, dating this guy. 很久以前  我和一个家伙好过
It was casual... fun. 我们的关系很随意  也很有乐趣
Then I met his sister-- 然后我遇上了他姐姐
up-and-coming pop star, Sage. 刚刚崭露头角的流行歌星  赛琪
And she was more casual, more fun... 她比他更随意  更有乐趣...
and as it turned out, married. 不过不幸的是  她已婚了