
  Oh, don't worry, dear. 别担心 亲爱的

 In a few moments, you won't remember you knew him, let alone loved him. 再过一会儿 你就不会记得曾和他相识 让他寂寞的去吧
 Why did you do this? 你为什么要这样做
 Because this is my happy ending. 因为这是我心中的幸福结局
 The child? 那孩子呢?
 Gone. 不见了 
 It was in the wardrobe, and then it was gone. 藏在衣柜里 然后不见了
 It's nowhere to be found. 到处都找不着
 Where is she? 她在哪里
 She got away. 她逃走了
 You're going to lose. 你会失败的
 I know that now. 我知道会这样
 Good will always win. 善良总是胜利
 We'll see about that. 我们走着瞧
 Where are we going? 我们要去哪里
 Somewhere horrible. 一个可怕的地方
 Absolutely horrible A place where the only happy ending will be mine. 一个能够实现我圆满结局的地方