
  The "mirror" strikes again. 《镜报》又来了

 You're late. 你迟到了
 Sorry. 对不起 
 I wanted to bring you the latest edition. 我去拿稿子的最后一版了
 I assure you it's one of my better hatched jobs. 我保证这篇报道写得更出色
 That's not what I asked for. 我没问你这个事
 What'd you find out about her? 你对她了解多少
 Well, the truth be told, there wasn't much. 老实说 了解不多
 She spent a lot of time in foster homes. 她从小被人领养
 Uh, she got into some trouble when she was a kid, But the details are locked up pretty tight. 小时候惹了不少麻烦,不过档案内容都被封存了
 Since then, she's clean. 从那以后她四处为家 
 Bounced around all over. 再没犯过事
 The only thing I really learned was that she doesn't like to sit still. 我唯一确定的就是她从来都不安分
 That appears to have changed. 不用你说我也知道
 Did you know that, un, She had henry while she was in phoenix? 你知道吗她在菲尼克斯的时候就怀上了亨利,
 How's he wind up here in marine? 那他怎么会来到缅因州
 So if I'm understanding you correctly ?You found nothing of value, which means you have no value, 如果我没理解错的话,你并没有找到什么有价值的东西,也就是说你没有利用价值了 
 Sidney. 西德尼
 Do you know what I do with things that hold no value to me? 你知道我怎么处理对我没有价值的东西吗
 I throw them away. 我会将他们扔掉
 I'll keep looking. 我会继续手机线索的