
 How was school? 今天上得好吗

Okay. 还好
You're reading that paper pretty hard. 看报纸看得挺专注的
Sidney wrote it. 西德尼撰稿
Is it a lie? 这是假的吗
No. 不是
I was born in jail? 我是在监狱出生的吗
Yes. 是的
These records were supposed to be sealed. 这些档案本应被封存起来的
Tell me you're not scarred for life. 告诉我这没给你留下终身不灭的伤痕
I'm not. 我没有
Well, not by this. 至少不是因为这件事
Good. Then let's throw this out, 很好  那我们把报纸抛开
and we will get our news from something more reliable, 从更可靠的来源处获取点信息
like the internet. 例如互联网
That's what I've been trying to tell you. 这就是我一直试图告诉你的事
Good can't beat evil 邪必胜正
because good doesn't do this kind of thing. 因为正义一方不会做这种事
My mom plays dirty. 我妈妈贯使阴招
That's why you can't beat her, ever. 所以你永远也赢不了她
I have a new ally. Mr. Gold said he's gonna help. 我有新盟友了  戈登先生说他会帮我
Mr. Gold? 戈登先生
He's even worse than she is. 他甚至比我妈更阴
You already owe him one favor. 你已然欠他一个人情了
You don't want to owe him any more. 你不会想再欠他的
Don't do this. 别这样做