美国小学英语教材6:第139课 汤姆和他的财宝箱(16)(在线收听

 There were two-and-twenty bags in all in the chest: 箱子里有22个袋子:

ten of them full of silver money, eight of them full of gold money, three of them full of gold dust, 其中十个里面装满了银币,八个里面是金币,三个里面是金土,
and one small bag with jewels wrapped up in cotton and paper. 还有一个小袋子里面是用纸和棉布包裹的首饰。
Tis enough, cried out Parson Jones, to make us both rich men as long as we live. 琼斯牧师叫嚷道,这足够了,让我们永远富足下去。
The burning summer sun, though sloping in the sky, beat down upon them as hot as fire; but neither of them noticed it. 炽热的太阳正在慢慢下降,但打在他们身上还是一样滚烫,但二人都没有注意到。
Neither did they notice hunger nor thirst, but sat there as though in a trance, 他们既没有感觉到饿也没有感觉到渴,坐在那里出了神,
with the bags of money scattered on the sand around them, a great pile of money heaped upon the coat, 钱袋子洒在他们周围的沙子上,外衣上堆满了金钱,
and the open chest beside them. It was an hour of sundown before Parson Jones had begun to examine the books and papers in the chest. 旁边是打开的宝藏盒,还有一个小时太阳就要落山了,牧师琼斯打开了书和箱子里的纸张。
Of the three books, two were log books of the pirates who had been lying off the mouth of the Delaware Bay all this time. 里面有三本书,两本是海盗的日志,这段时间他们一直停在德拉华湾口。
The other book was written in Spanish, and was evidently the log book of some captured prize. 另一本书是西班牙语,很显然上面记录了一些捕获的珍贵物品。
It was then, sitting there upon the sand, the good old gentleman reading in his high cracking voice, 就在那时,老绅士坐在沙子上,他用高昂的嘶哑声读了起来,
that they first learned from the bloody records in those two books 他们在两本书上了解了血腥的历史,
who it was who had been lying inside the Cape all this time, and that it was the famous Captain Kidd. 知道是谁一直停靠在岬角,那是著名的基德船长。