
Less Than Half of Human Body is Human. What is the Rest?

These scientists look at what’s in a person’s poop.It’s a window into what makes up more than half of a human.To our 30 trillion human cells, we have on average about 39 trillion microbial cells, so by that mixture and we’re only about 43 percent human.Each person is a walking apartment building that houses a variety of micro-organisms invisible to the naked eye.It is common knowledge that they are bacteria even viruses and fungi in areas of our bodies such as the mouth, skin and gut,but it’s only in recent years that scientists realize that each person’s gut bacteria is unique, and that bacteria can greatly impact the health of the person, such as their weight and whether they’ll get heart disease.The microbes in your guts can even affect your mood.They change the way we think about biology, and changed the way we think about what it means to be human.


The body is that at least 70 percent of our immunity and the immune cells in our body exist in the gut and we don’t think like that.Karen Sfanos is studying the link between microbes and cancer.There’s still many cancers out there where we have no idea what even causes the cancer, so we’ve been trying to solve this puzzle,and up until this point, half the pieces were missing because we didn’t even know half the pieces existed.There’s just a tremendous amount of knowledge that’s to be gained and to be researched,to understand the profound influence that these microbes might have on both cancer initiation, but also a therapeutic response to certain cancer therapies.

我们体内至少百分之七十的免疫细胞存在于肠道内,但是我们不以为然。Karen Sfanos正在研究微生物和癌症之间的联系。仍然有很多癌症我们甚至无法弄清楚其病因,我们一直在试图解决这个问题,直到现在,一半的线索都丢失了,因为我们甚至不知道还有这一半的细胞存在着。只有学习了充分的知识,研究了大量的资料,才能理解这些微生物可能对癌症病发产生的影响和某些特定癌症疗法的治疗反应。

One company is fighting diabetes based on gut microbe research.The diversity and abundance of the bacteria in the gut are a very useful predictor in how people process food.Since each person’s gut bacteria is different, how a body reacts to sugars is also different for each person.So by profiling the gut, we can actually help people get to a personalized prescription for food that works for them.From what you eat to the animals near you to where you’ve been, the microbes in your body are changing every day.A growing number of scientists are researching these microbes to learn which ones are good or bad.They’re already seeing promising results in treating a hospital-acquired infection called C. diff.You can treat C. diff by taking the stool from a healthy person giving it to a sick person,and they typically recover in two or three days and it has about a 90 percent cure rate as opposed to 30 percent for antibiotics.Researchers are working toward a future where there is a more precise approach to weeding out the bad bacteria and introducing more good microbes into the body.

