美国小学英语教材4:第210课 圣诞欢歌(8)(在线收听

 Mrs. Cratchit. (Looking up angrily.) Mr. Scrooge, indeed! I wish I had him here! 克拉特基特夫人:(生气地抬起头。)斯克鲁奇先生,是的!我真希望他能在这儿!

I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast upon, and I hope he'd have a good appetite for it! Mr. Scrooge, indeed! 我想让他饱餐一顿,希望他胃口好!斯克鲁奇先生,真是啊!
Bob Cratchit. My dear! Think of the children! And this is Christmas Day! 鲍勃·克拉特基特:亲爱的!想想孩子们!今天是圣诞节!
Mrs. Cratchit. It should be Christmas Day, indeed! On what other day could we give good wishes to such a stingy, selfish man? 克拉特基特夫人:就应该是在圣诞节这天!在其它天,我们哪能给这样一个吝啬、自私的人送上良好的祝愿呢?
(Shaking her finger gently at her husband.) (用手指轻轻地摇晃她的丈夫。)
You know he is, Bob! Nobody knows it better than you do, poor fellow. Don't you work hard all day for very little pay? 你知道他是这样的,鲍勃!没人比你更清楚了,可怜的家伙。你不是为了拿点微薄的工资整天拼命工作吗?
Does he ever give you a pleasant word? Look at poor Tiny Tim! 他有没有向你说过一句让你高兴的话?看看可怜的小提姆!
If you were paid what you earn, we could get help for him. Then he might walk again. 如果你能挣到应得的薪水,我们就能帮他了,他就能再次走路了。
Bob Cratchit. (Shaking his head.) My dear! Just to please me! Christmas Day! 鲍勃·克拉特基特:(摇摇头。)亲爱的!就当是让我高兴一下吧!今是圣诞节!
Mrs. Cratchit. Well, then! I'll wish him a Merry Christmas for your sake, and for the sake of Christmas. 克拉特基特夫人:那好吧!为了你和圣诞节,我祝他圣诞快乐。
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Mr. Scrooge! 祝斯克鲁奇先生圣诞快乐、新年快乐!
All. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Mr. Scrooge! 所有人:祝斯克鲁奇先生圣诞快乐、新年快乐!
Bob Cratchit. A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears! God bless us. Tiny Tim. God bless us, every one! 鲍勃·克拉特基特:祝大家圣诞快乐,亲爱的!上帝保佑我们。小提姆,上帝保佑我们,保佑每个人!
Act III 第三幕
Time—Christmas Eve 时间:圣诞节前夜
Scene—Scrooge's Sitting-room 场景:斯克鲁奇的客厅
Persons: 人物:
Christmas Fairy 圣诞仙女
Scrooge 斯克鲁奇
(Scrooge stands looking eagerly into the far end of the room; but it is no longer a little kitchen. (斯克鲁奇站在那儿急切地向房间的尽头望去;但它不再是一个小厨房了。
The noisy, happy Cratchits have disappeared. 喧闹、快乐的克拉特基特一家人消失了。
He turns and looks at the Christmas Fairy, who stands at his side. 他转身看着站在他身边的圣诞仙女。
Scrooge's face looks sad and softened by what he has seen, and when he speaks, his voice is gentle and kind.) 斯克鲁奇的面孔因为他看到的一切而显得伤感又柔和,当他说话时,声音温柔、和善。)
Scrooge. (Eagerly.) Tell me, was it all a dream? 斯克鲁奇:(急切地。)告诉我,这一切都是梦吗?
Christmas Fairy. That depends on you, Ebenezer Scrooge. 圣诞仙女:这都取决于你,埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇。
Scrooge. I have been wrong; I see it! I have been cross and selfish, and even cruel. 斯克鲁奇:我错了;我明白了!我一直脾气不好、自私,甚至很残忍。
Fairy. (Smiling at the change in Scrooge.) Did you see anything better than sixpences? 圣诞仙女:(笑着看着斯克鲁奇的变化。)你看到比六便士更好的东西了吗?