乔布斯传 第521期:华纳音乐(2)(在线收听

 It was not an easy meeting. 会议进行得并不顺利。

Vidich had a cold and was losing his voice, so his deputy, Kevin Gage, began the presentation. 维迪奇因为感冒喉咙嘶哑,所以他让助理凯文·凯奇来作介绍。
Jobs, sitting at the head of the conference table, fidgeted and looked annoyed. 乔布斯坐在会议桌的主导位置,不耐烦地晃来晃去,看起来还有些愤怒。
After four slides, he waved his hand and broke in. 凯奇讲了4页幻灯片之后,乔布斯摆手打断了他:
"You have your heads up your asses," he pointed out. “你们可以自己解决的!”他说道。
Everyone turned to Vidich, who struggled to get his voice working. 所有人都转过头来看维迪奇。维迪奇努力地清了清嗓子:
"You're right," he said after a long pause. "We don't know what to do. You need to help us figure it out." “没错。”停顿了很久之后他又说:“但我们不知道该做什么。你要帮助我们找到方向。”
Jobs later recalled being slightly taken aback, and he agreed that Apple would work with the Warner-Sony effort. 乔布斯后来回忆,他当时确实有点儿吃惊。不过他最后同意了让苹果公司和华纳及索尼合作。
If the music companies had been able to agree on a standardized encoding method for protecting music files, 如果音乐公司达成了一致,为了实现音乐文件保护而开发一个标准化的编码解码器,
then multiple online stores could have proliferated. 那么各种网上商店就会激增。
That would have made it hard for Jobs to create an iTunes Store that allowed Apple to control how online sales were handled. 这样的话,乔布斯要建立一个用来控制网上销售的iTunes商店就难了。
Sony, however, handed Jobs that opportunity when it decided, after the January 2002 Cupertino meeting, 不过,索尼公司给了乔布斯这个机会。在2002年1月的库比蒂诺会议之后,
to pull out of the talks because it favored its own proprietary format, from which it would get royalties. 索尼公司决定退出上述计划,因为它希望拥有自己专有的格式,并可以从中获得版税收益。