
 You took away our happiness, and now it's our turn to take away yours. 你夺走了我们的幸福 现在轮到我们夺走你的幸福了

What? What? Henry. Henry, please don't let them do this to me. 你要干什么 亨利 亨利  求求你阻止他们
You did this to yourself. 你是自作自受
Is that all your stuff? All I need. 你就这么点行李 我就需要这么多
Wait. You wanna go now? We're leaving now? 等下 你现在要走 我们现在就走吗 
I'm getting you out of here, away from all this, away from her. 我要带你离开童话镇 远离是非  远离她
No. No. Stop the car. You can't leave Storybrooke. You have to break the curse. 不行  停车 你不能离开童话镇  你得打破诅咒
No, I don't. I have to help you. 我不在乎诅咒  我得帮你
But you're a hero. You can't run. You have to help everybody. 但你是个英雄  不能临阵脱逃 你得帮助所有人 
Henry, I know it's hard for you to see it, but I'm doing what's best for you. 亨利  我知道你很难理解 但我都是为你好
That's what you wanted when you brought me to Storybrooke. 这才是你带我来童话镇的目的
But the curse.You're the only chance to bring back the happy endings. Henry.  那诅咒怎么办  你是大家重获幸福的唯一希望 亨利