
 Henry! Henry. What were you doing?! You could've gotten us killed! 亨利 亨利 你干嘛呀  你会害死我们的

Please! Please don't make me go! We can't go! 求你 别带我离开 我们不能离开
Everything's here...me, your parents, your family. 一切都在这里 我  你父母  你的家人
Please, Emma. They need you. Your family needs you. 拜托 艾玛  他们需要你 你的家人需要你
Did you really think that I would let you get away? 你真觉得我会让你逃走吗
You appear to have had quite the adventure since then. 看来你经历了不少事啊
Whatever it is you're gonna do to me, get on with it. 随你怎么惩罚我 尽管来吧
I took you in as my son, and you betrayed me. 我把你当我的儿子看待 你却背叛了我
I would've given you everything the crown, the kingdom. 我本会给予你一切 王位  整个王国
All you had to do was marry King Midas' daughter. 只要你娶迈达斯王的女儿就行
But you decided to follow "true love". 但你偏要去找寻"真爱"
Losing my life for love that's a sacrifice I am happy to make. 为了真爱舍弃生命 我乐意做这种牺牲
As you wish. Release the blade. 如你所愿 s放铡刀
What is the meaning of this? 这是什么意思
Sorry to drop in on you. 抱歉突然来拜访你
Regina. What do you want? 瑞金娜 你想干什么
I want the man you pretend is your son, and I'm prepared to pay any riches Midas promised you in return for him. 我想要你的假儿子 我会给你迈达斯当初承诺的报偿来交换他