
 What do you plan to do to him? 你想对他做什么

Oh, I promise he'll suffer... far more than some swift and simple beheading. 我保证他会受到折磨 比快刀斩首要更加生不如死
How? By using him to destroy his one true love. 怎么做 利用他毁掉他的真爱
By using him to bring an end to Snow White. 利用他解决白雪公主
Your majesty. To what do I owe the pleasure? 镇长大人 何事大驾光临啊
My tree is dying. Why? 我的树要死了 为什么
Perhaps it's your fertilizer. 肥料不够好吧
You think this is funny? Well, I'll tell you what I think. 你觉得很好玩吗 我来告诉你我怎么想
I think it's a sign of the curse weakening because of Emma. 我觉得这意味着诅咒正在减弱  就因为艾玛
But do you care? No. 可你在乎吗 不在乎
You're content to just sit back and do... whatever it is you're doing while all my hard work burns. 你就满足于闲坐着  成天...干你的那些破事 而我的一切努力都会化为灰烬
That's not all, is it? Come on. You might as well get everything off your chest. 你还有别的怨气吧 说吧  不妨一吐为快
I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你什么意思
Henry. Ms. Swan wants him. 亨利 斯旺女士想得到他