打工姐妹花第二季 第212期:牵线木偶跳舞(在线收听

 Can I get a Jonathan Taylor Thomas to go and two of the Spice Girls? Any one but "Baby." 我要外带一个"乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯",再加任意两个"辣妹"?但我不要"宝贝辣妹"哦。

Sure. 没问题。
Dude, you should come to the '90s trivia contest every Monday at the Bar bar. 兄台,你应该来参加九十年代冷知识大赛每周一在"酒吧"吧举行哦。
You could win, like, big money. 你能赢一大笔钱呢。
Yeah, and then I could pay for the lobotomy I'd need to forget that I ever participated in a hipster contest in a bar. 赢一大笔钱来支付我为了忘掉参加过酒吧里的嬉皮士蠢赛而去施行的脑部手术吗。
Cute hat. You're very talented. 您帽子好有爱,又好有才华哦。
I'm putting this flyer up in the window. 我去把这传单贴我们窗子上吧。
Oh, look, there's a street performer trying to get people to dance with his marionette outside our shop. 你看,咱店门口有个街头艺人想拉路人跟他的牵线木偶跳舞。
Uh-oh, not cool! No hipster wants to krump with a puppet. 这可不行!嬉皮士才不会想跟木偶跳小丑舞呢。
See, he just chased them away. 你看,把客人都吓跑了。
We'll just ask him to move, but we have to be nice. 我们请他去别地方就行了,要友善哦。
Nice? Nice... Oh, yeah, that's the thing you are to the welfare lady 什么友善,友善...就是趁我妈在卧室藏新买的电视机时,
while your mom's in the bedroom hiding the new TV. 而我要对那位发补助金的女士装穷扮可怜的样子吗。
Hi, how are you? We own this cupcake... 您好吗,我们是这小蛋...
Shh! Not while he's dancing. 安静,他在跳舞呢。
I'm sorry, would you like me to wait? 抱歉了,您是想我等他跳完吗?
Oh, this dude's a serial killer. 这家伙绝对是变态杀人魔。