美国有线新闻 CNN 波音公布737 MAX软件更新及培训计划 望重拾公众信任(在线收听


The Boeing aerospace company is working to restore confidence in its passenger planes. It hosted more than 200 pilots, technicians and rule makers that it consulted yesterday in Seattle, Washington.

Boeing 737 MAX series planes — its most popular airliner — have been grounded around the world following two catastrophic accidents within five months.

Investigators believe sensors and software were factors in both of the crashes. And on Wednesday, Boeing detailed how it would overhaul its software system on 737 MAX planes and change the way pilots are trained on them.

Some pilots have said they weren't taught how to disable a computer system that might have played a part in the accidents. So, the company plans to add more pilot training. Some airlines say they're optimistic about these changes, but concerns about the 737 MAXes persists.

One that was being flown from Florida to California for temporary storage made an emergency landing on Tuesday. It didn't have passengers because the models have been grounded, but Boeing said the pilots reported a performance issue with one of the plane's engines.

One question being asked worldwide is how all this is going to impact such a major manufacturer of planes.
