英语PK台 第957期:和高铁肩并肩 北京最酷自行车高速来啦(在线收听

Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, have you heard about the bicycle highway opening up in Beijing?


Mark: I read last year that it was being planned.


Jingjing: Well, it's open now. It runs between Huilongguan and Shangdi.


Mark: That's a pretty good route. A lot of people live in Huilongguan and work in Shangdi.


Jingjing: It's not just a route. It's an elevated roadway in a lot of places.


Mark: Wow! What other features does it have?


Jingjing: It has eight or so exits. For people who want to take shorter trips or have problems with their bikes, those exits make it easy to get off the highway safely.


Mark: I bet it's nice not to have to stop at intersections, or worry about cars and buses. But isn't the bike highway a little narrow?


Jingjing: Cyclists aren't allowed to park their bikes or stop anywhere along the highway.


Mark: That should keep traffic moving. Even if it's not that wide, people can still travel quickly on a good road. Hey, what about rush hour, when most people are going in one direction?


Jingjing: Well, the center lane is specially designed for that. At certain times of day, people are only allowed to use the center lane traveling in one direction.


Mark: That sounds like it could work. Hopefully, also, the streets at both ends of the bike highway will become more friendly to cyclists.


Jingjing: Yeah, I bet there will be a spillover effect as those streets start to take on more bicycle traffic. Do you think you'll go there and try it, Mark?


Mark: That's far out from where I live. But if I'm riding out there anyway, on a day off, I'll hop on the highway and give it a try.


Jingjing: Great. Let me know what you think.


New words : 习语短语

route 线路

a way to go, on existing roads (i.e. parade route, a bus route, the best route to downtown)

intersection 十字路口

where two streets cross each other

spillover effect 溢出效应,扩散效应

when a big change happens, a few other small changes happen as a result (this is usually about economic growth or social progress)

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: So, Mark, did you try the bike highway?


Mark: I did. It was pretty cool.


Jingjing: Did you ride the whole thing?


Mark: I didn't ride all 6.5km of it. But I went on about half of it. Parts are elevated, parts are on the ground. It was pretty well made.


Jingjing: I'm glad you liked it. Have you been on any other bikeways?


Mark: Are you kidding? I come from one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world. We have lots of bikeways. But a lot of the time, riders have to stop at major streets.


Jingjing: Did you bike to work?


Mark: Not every day. I still drove sometimes. My dad commuted by bike. But he was lucky to have a gym in his office building where he could take a shower.


Jingjing: That would make a big difference, especially in summer weather.


Mark: Right, a lot of cities are too hot for year-round bike commuting.


Jingjing: I read that Germany will soon have the longest car-free bikeway.


Mark: Yeah, I read that too. It's supposed to be 100km. But I'm not sure how much is finished now.


Jingjing: Some of that must go through rural areas. It must be quite scenic.


Mark: I bet. It would be nice to see more bikeways in the future. Those could be long parks with lots of trees and even a river here and there.


Jingjing: We need the green space. That'd be a good combination.


Mark: Would you ride to work every day if there were a bikeway?


Jingjing: If it were as fast as the subway, I definitely would, just not in the rain.


Mark: Same here.


New words : 习语短语

bike-friendly 骑行友好的

designed well for bikes, amidst a culture that appreciates cycling

commuting 上下班通勤

going to and from work every day

green space 绿色空间(花园、公园、森林等)

parks, gardens, forests (especially those inside cities)
