2019年经济学人 清真寺枪击案:阿塔·埃拉扬被匆匆结束的一生(3)(在线收听


Nimbly warding off opponents was quite a feature of his life. Somehow he fitted in another career as a goalie in the game of futsal, indoor football, and was so good that, as well as playing for Canterbury United Dragons and coaching at his old school, Christchurch Boys’ High, he was picked for the Whites, the national squad. Though he held citizenships from elsewhere—Kuwaiti from his birthplace, Palestinian from his father—and though he had spent his childhood in Oregon, he was proud to wear the silver fern on his shirt. He was not just the tallest in the team, with the best beard, but the only guy in elbow pads, knee pads, gloves and long trousers, prepared to leap, twist and dive to the solid floor to keep the opponents’ ball out of the net. Even at play, he couldn’t rest those lightning reflexes. If he once touched the ball, he had four seconds to pass it; no room to fail.


The tech world, too, moved at such breakneck speed that he had to be aware of every opportunity, hungry, ready to grab. He watched colleagues leap on to Android and ios before he could, when he was still moonlighting with Mike to try to get the company started. He tried many avenues that didn’t work, and wasn’t that surprised by the eventual demise of Windows Phones; he’d picked the underdog precisely because others hadn’t. Usually he kept the failures quick, and bought the team dinner whenever they had success. All through he kept up the punishing, exciting schedule of emails, meetings, project management, conference calls, coffee and more coffee. The only long regular break he took in the week was to go to Friday prayers. “On the Day of Assembly, hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is best for you, if ye but knew!” was the injunction in the Koran.

科技界也以如此惊人的速度发展,他必须看到每一个机会,随时准备抓住。他在他还在和迈克一起做兼职、试图创办公司的时候,就眼见同事们已经迫不及待地使用 Android 和 ios 系统了。他尝试了许多行不通的方法,对 Windows phone 的最终消亡并不感到惊讶;他选择不被看好的产品恰恰是因为其他人没有选择它。通常情况下,他总是很快就能战胜失败,一旦团队取得成功,他就会请他们吃饭。在整个过程中,他一直保持着繁重而令人兴奋的日程安排,包括电子邮件、会议、项目管理、电话会议、咖啡以及更多咖啡。一周唯一有时间休息的时候就是周五的祈祷。“在集会的日子,你们要诚挚地追念安拉,停止工作。如果你知道这对你是最好的!”这是可兰经中的劝诫。

The Al-Noor mosque next to Hagley Park was special to him for family reasons. His father, Mohammed, had co-founded it only a year after coming to New Zealand from America. In Corvallis, in Oregon, he had founded another, to help the Muslim community take root there. His mother had offered Arabic lessons. It seemed a family trait to want to grow things fast, as Atta wanted to grow his company and the high-school futsal team. He was an impatient guy, but he was still young. There was time.

