英语PK台 第980期:《山中奇遇》酒吧故事引发的离奇探险(在线收听


1. As all Saturday nights went, we slipped by the wives and find weselves down by The Tricky Jester. Thinking about it, you don’t see much of those any more. The Tricky Jester, you leave your shame at the door. The new places, you have to comb your hair and put on perfume just to get a drink. Times change, you know. World going one way, people another. 


2. Last Saturday, though, something put a sour taste in my mouth. It came from the story Stew was telling. Stew is an important man, and so he gets to talk. He’d remind you of that too. So, how come this one put the sourness in me then? See, Stew went out on this one hike – the mountain trail of El Tucuche. The route ain’t a hard one, but not an amateur one either. And Stew is a man who don’t follow the map. He like to pride himself as a man who blazes his own trail. You have to learn to get lost to really find yourself, was the man’s mantra. A man is so small in the wilderness, believe me. The way how people is now, we ain’t tailored to live there. So when Stew say he stumble across a house in the middle of the mountain, my ears prick up. 

但就在上个星期六,我却在那里感受到了一阵酸楚的滋味。这滋味来自斯图讲的一个故事。斯图是俱乐部的重要人物,所以他有机会侃侃而谈。他还会提醒你这一点。那么,为什么他的这个故事会使我产生这种酸楚的感觉呢?那就细说一下他分享的这个名叫“埃尔图库切山中小径徒步行”的故事吧——山路并不是太难走,但也并不太适合业余登山爱好者。斯图不爱走地图上指明的路线,更愿意为自己开辟了新的路线而感到自豪。你必须先学会 迷路才能真正地找到自我——这句话是这个男人的咒语。相信我,一个人在荒野中是如此渺小。人们现在的生存方式,并不适合居住在那里。于是,当斯图说他在山间无意中发现一所房子时,我的耳朵便竖了起来。

3. Was smoke that led him to the hut. As he draw closer it, he noticed a doll nailedto a tree, weaved from twigs. As he followed the path, he saw that there was more trees and more dolls. Curious, he keep on the path till he come to an open space. At the centre was a hut. The smoke was coming from a pile of branches set at the edge of the open space the fire long smothered. He then noted the sound of bone crunching beneath his heels as he approached the house. Then he saw someone. 


4. It was a woman. She was young. Couldn’t be more than thirty, Stew say –Her hair loose in wiry kinkles. Stew wanted a closer look at the young lady. When the woman spotted him, he thought she was gonna scamper away. It was only then he noticed how stick-thin she was. Cheeks sallow and sunken, almost like a carcass. Her feet remain planted on the ground, but he could see her toes wiggling nervously. Suddenly, he regretted coming up to this woman. ‘So what you do after?’ Mano cut in. ‘What y’think? Turn round and buss outta there one time! Woman coulda be La Diablesse for all I know.’ 


5. I felt a weight drop in my stomach. Just something about the story throw me off – I couldn’t explain it at the time. I excused myself and went back to my car to take a smoke. Later that night, when we was ready to go home, I pull Stew aside and asked him about the hiking route. He was hesitant at first and, for a moment, I wondered if he made the whole thing up. I was halfway hoping that he was. He gave in, however, and mapped it out for me. When he was done, he gave me a look like I was crazy. To me, it wasn’t craziness. It was clarity. My mind was set. Was then I realized it was a long time since I actually wanted to do anything. 


6. I was determined to find this mystery woman. Yessir, I was gonna climb that mountain. The next Monday, I decide to take a day off. I didn’t tell the wife. I drive all the way up to the trail. Ten minutes into it, my legs started to wear out and my water canteen was already runnin dry. It ain’t gonna be long till the rain come down, I remember thinking. A drop of rain hit my nose. Was I really expecting to finish this journey with my body intact? Ain’t many times I been a man without a plan, but that’s why this expedition was feeling so good.


7. Without my glasses, everything looked covered in a film of oil. I kept on the path until I spotted the stick doll that Stew was prattling on about. There was a series of them, just as Stew describe, from tree to tree to tree. I followed them and then there it was – the house. My eyes widened – I expected it to vanish in a blink. Something not from this realm. Something not meant for the human eye. I spotted the pile of branches Stew had mentioned – where he seen the smoke rising up. I pushed one of the branches with my boot and something rolled out from under it. I saw what it was but it took a while to register. 


8. It was a skull – the skull of a child. Coated in soot and ash. My eyes fluttered back to the hut. The door opened and a man popped his head out. I dropped the skull and rocketed through the bushes, too fast, tripped, and fell. I was gonna die, I felt it. Crack… The bone pierced right through the skin. It ain’t even look like bone. The rain pouring on the wound. When I caught that glimpse of my broken ankle, my head fell back. The feeling before I passed out – it was like I was falling into the sky. When I woke up, I found myself lying on the ground, four faces staring down at me – an old man, a young lady and two boys. They musta brung me inside the hut. I focused on the boys. Their long hair was tied back and knotted with loops of grass. They was all so scrawny, I coulda see their spines. 


9. The old man say to me, ‘Bad fall y’had, brudda. Y’come here to kill y’self, eh?’ He laughed. ‘What side y’come? I didn’t answer. I coulda barely breathe, much less speak. ‘I take you to Lluengo,’ the man say. ‘Lil village near the coast, y’know it? Nice people in Lluengo, y’know.’ ‘You always live here?’ I say. ‘Not always,’ he say. ‘F’now, I stay here. Y’pity we for livin in bush, eh?’ the old man say. ‘I ain’t pity. Just curious.’ 


10. To this day, I ain’t sure how much time passed before it was time to go. The old man was scrawny but strong. He slung his arm round my neck to balance me as we made a path through the forest. Figured it woulda be nightfall by the time we reach civilization, but it was barely twilight. The old man ain’t dare step foot outta the forest, though. Once the first road came into sight, he tell me, ‘We part ways here.’


And that was that. The sun was setting and I was miles away from home, but hell, I remember thinking, I’m alive. Two weeks passed since meeting the man and his family. While I was in the hospital, I finally managed to tell the wife the story. But she ain’t want to hear nothing of it. She just kept interrupting with, ‘But how you, a big old horse, could lie through your teeth and say you was goin to work!’. I was amazed how much she didn’t care about the events in between. Not even the children coulda budge from their iPads to hear me out.


11. I couldn’t believe it. I had something – I finally had something! Not just a story. I had a tale, a damn good one, and nobody didn’t care to hear it! When I finally got discharged on the Thursday, I rang up the fellas and we organized a lime at the Tricky Jester. Drinks was on me and believe me, I had the most. After the second round, I started telling the story. Every detail. The trail, the rain, the house. It was going good until I get to the two children. And then there was no more smiles.


12. I ordered another round and decided to tell them about the skull. ‘A human skull?’ Mano asked, breaking the silence. ‘Yeah, boy, Mano, couldn’t be no animal, telling you! That was as human as human coulda be!’ The silence deepen and deepen as I went along. Was it the way I was telling it, I wondered? Was I too drunk? Was I forcing it? When the evening was done, the fellas just patted my back and said, ‘We just glad you come out in one piece, boy.’ Things was quiet for a few days till I switch on the news one night and I see the forest family on TV. The old man and the woman in handcuffs. I just shut my damn mouth for now and let the world turn.

