美国小学英语教材5:第168课 为朋友而勇敢(9)(在线收听

And it was true. Already Paul’s teeth were chattering, and even Bill could feel the cold through his thick sweater. He tried to think of some other way, but finally agreed to try Paul’s plan. His heavy high shoes were laced with rawhide thongs, which could be used to bind the two skis together. There was no possibility, however, of pulling them. The only way they could manage was for Bill to seat himself on the hastily made toboggan while Paul trudged behind and pushed.


It was a toilsome and painful method of progress for them both and often jolted Bill’s ankle, which was already badly swollen. Paul, wading knee-deep in the snow, was soon breathless, and by the time they reached the cabin, he felt completely exhausted.


“Couldn’t have kept that up much longer,” grunted Bill, when they were inside the shelter with the door closed against the storm. His alert gaze traveled swiftly around the hut. There was a rough stone chimney at one end, a shuttered window at the back, and that was all. Snow lay piled on the cold hearth, and here and there made little ridges on the logs where it had filtered through the many cracks and crevices. It was not much better than the out-of-doors, and Bill’s heart sank as he glanced at Paul, leaning exhausted against the wall.

“不能再这样下去了” 比尔咕哝着说,这时他们已经进了防空洞,防风门已经关上了。他警觉的目光迅速地扫视着小屋。房子的一头有一个粗糙的石砌烟囱,后面有一扇百叶窗,仅此而已。雪堆积在冰冷的火炉上,从许多裂缝和裂缝中渗进来的木头上,到处都有小小的隆起。这并不比外面好多少,比尔的心往下一沉,他瞥了保罗一眼,疲惫地靠在墙上。
