美国小学英语教材5:第181课 贝琪有办法(8)(在线收听

The weary voice went on: “I think I could keep on if I had only the selling to do, but there is a great pile of dishes that must be washed.”


“Oh, please!” said a small voice. “I’ll do it for twenty cents.”


Betsy stood by the woman’s elbow.


“Do what, child?” asked the tired woman in great surprise.


“Everything!” said Betsy. “Wash the dishes and tend the booth. You can go and rest. I’ll do it for twenty cents.”


The woman looked at the small, eager girl in surprise.


“I can wash dishes as well as anybody,” said Betsy.


“Yes, I think she can,’’ said the friend in the other booth. “And I am sure she can do the selling, too.”


The tired woman waited no longer, but tied a long apron around Betsy’s neck, gave her a few instructions, and left, saying she would be back shortly after five o’clock. So Betsy mounted a soap box and began joyfully to wash the dishes. She had never thought that she would ever in her life simply love to wash dishes.

