美国小学英语教材5:第197课 乔西的本垒打(5)(在线收听

Nevertheless, although Joe insisted he was all right, Mother noticed that he shivered all evening, and went to bed very early. When she went for a last good-night look, he was tossing and mumbling in his sleep. By morning even Joe himself admitted that he could not get out of bed.


“Oh, Mother,” he cried, the tears running down his cheeks, “the team needs me. What shall I do?”


Josie was crying, too. “Oh, brother, I am so sorry. What can I do for you? Shall I go and watch the game, or shall I stay with you?”


“You must go, Josie, and cheer for the boys just as loud as you can. They sometimes say your cheering helps as much as my playing. And take a pencil and paper and write down all the plays so that you can remember and tell me about each one. Just my luck!”


“Yes, you had better go,” agreed Mother, “but you must hurry to the barber’s before the game. Remember, I said you cannot go to Ernestine’s party this afternoon unless you have your hair trimmed. Mike knows the way I like it cut.”

“是的,你最好去,”母亲同意了,“但是你必须在比赛前赶到理发店。记住,我说过你今天下午不能去参加欧内斯廷的聚会,除非你把头发修剪好。迈克 知道我想让你剪成什么原因。”
