美国小学英语教材5:第199课 乔西的本垒打(7)(在线收听

“Mike,” she said, “cut my hair like Joe’s. I’m going to have it cut the way I like it this time.”


“I like it very short and shingled myself. Miss Josie, but your mother always seems to want your curls to show,” said Mike doubtfully. He had in mind several very heated arguments upon this question which had proceeded from this very chair.


"Mother will like it this way, I am sure,” said Josie. And she meant it. Mother was true blue. She had never failed them when it came to the question of helping one another, and, oh, what were curls compared to winning the game?


“If Mother knows I am doing this for Joe and the school, she will not care,” argued Josie to herself. The shorn head felt delightful. She looked at herself with great satisfaction in the glass. “Oh, I look more than ever like Joe. I look so like him no one would know,” she whispered to herself. She sped home like a scared little kitten, stopping only to stick her head into Esther’s door and call, “Don’t you and Eleanor wait for me.”

