美国小学英语教材5:第236课 祖母的那不勒斯之旅(5)(在线收听

“I haven’t seen the place where I was born for years and years,” continued Grandmother wistfully. Then they knew. Grandmother was homesick. And why should she not be, indeed? It was sixty years since she had left Naples as a bride, and in all that time there was no money that could be spared to take her home for a visit.


“If I had not bought the oxen last spring—” began Ugo, but again Margaretta shook her head. But if only they could send her, with one of the children to look after her, to spend a week or two with Uncle Tony and his family in Naples! But where would the money come from? It really couldn’t be done.


Next morning, when the children went to the spring with buckets to fetch water, they talked it over.



“Why,” said Mario, “it is the simplest thing in the world. Put the oxen to the cart and put Grandmother in the cart, and presto! I’ll drive her myself to Naples, just as easy!”


“Not at all,” said Annina, who was practical. “Where’s the geography?


Fioretta, the book-lover, ran back to the house on nimble feet and got the geography. They gathered about the map of Italy eagerly. Alas, Naples was nearly, or quite, or even more than, three hundred miles away, and the map between Florence and Naples was well-sprinkled with mountains and snaky black rivers.

