VOA慢速英语2019 拉丁美洲的香蕉遭受病害威胁(在线收听

Disease Threatens Banana, the World’s Most Popular Fruit

A disease that threatens the world’s most popular fruit – the banana – has arrived in Latin America. As a result, officials in Colombia have declared a state of emergency.


Bananas are among the most important food crops in the world, along with wheat, rice and corn. That information comes from the United Nations (UN).


Five years ago, the UN warned that a disease called Tropical Race 4, or TR4, could destroy "much of the world's banana crop." The disease first appeared in Asia in the 1990s. It later spread to Africa and the Middle East.


There are as many as 1,000 kinds of bananas grown in more than 150 countries. The TR4 disease only affects the most popular and common kind of banana - the Cavendish.

在150多个国家种植的香蕉多达1000种。 TR4病害只影响最受欢迎和最常见的卡文迪什香蕉。

It is easier and more cost-effective for growers to produce just one kind of banana. Growers in Colombia and many other places choose Cavendish bananas. This variety can be shipped to countries around the world without ripening too quickly.

对于种植者来说,只种植一种香蕉更容易,也更划算。 哥伦比亚和许多其他地区的种植者选择卡文迪什香蕉。这种品种在运输过程中不会过快成熟,因而可以运送到世界各国。

Banana industry watchers say there is still time to find another kind of banana to grow.


Not that long ago, the Gros Michel, also known as Big Mike, was the world's most popular banana. Big Mike was destroyed in the 1960s by the same disease that is now threatening Cavendish.


Randy Ploetz is a retired scientist from the University of Florida. He studied tropical plant diseases. He said of the recent spread of TR4, "I don't think it's going to impact the availability of the Cavendish in supermarkets anytime soon."

兰迪·普罗茨是佛罗里达大学的一位退休科学家。 他研究热带植物病害。 谈到最近TR4的传播,他说:“我不认为它会在短期内影响卡文迪什在超市的销售供应情况。”

He added that Asian countries affected by the TR4 disease have planted different kinds of Cavendish or moved to uninfected farmlands. But those bananas are not as productive, and they later become infected, too.


In Colombia, officials are taking special measures to stop the disease from spreading.


Officials have removed plants infected with the disease and covered soil with black plastic sheets to prevent spread of the disease. Officials have also set up controls at entrances to affected banana farms where they disinfect the trucks that travel between the farms and ports. The country's military and police are also guarding banana farms to keep thieves from spreading the disease through their clothes and shoes.

官员们已经移除了感染这种病害的植物,并用黑色塑料薄膜覆盖土壤,以防止病害的传播。 官员们还在受影响香蕉农场的入口处设置了控制措施,在农场入口他们对农场和港口之间行驶的卡车进行消毒。该国的军队和警察也在守卫香蕉农场,以防止小偷通过衣服和鞋子传播病害。

So far, the disease has been found on six farms near Colombia's border with Venezuela. Officials say the affected area is still small and is not hurting the country's banana exports.

到目前为止,人们在哥伦比亚与委内瑞拉边境附近的六个农场发现了这种病害。 有关官员表示,受灾地区很小,并没有损害该国的香蕉出口。

Colombia's agriculture minister, Andres Valencia, told the Associated Press, "We will continue to work towards stopping this disease from spreading to the rest of Colombia." He said growers will one day have to plant other kinds of bananas that are more disease resistant.


Gert Kema is a plant scientist who studies bananas. He agrees that the banana industry needs to diversify. He says there are many types of tomatoes and peppers grown around the world, for example. Bananas should be no different.

格特·凯玛是一位研究香蕉的植物科学家。 他同意香蕉产业需要多样化这个观点。他说,就如世界各地种植的西红柿和辣椒种类很多一样,香蕉也应该如此。

Words in This Story

impact - v. have a strong and often bad effect

diversify - v. to increase the variety of goods or services
